A group of students stand in front of a brick wall. Some students have plaques, medals or both.
A group of uniformed officers  pose for a photo in front of an American flag.
Applications are open!
October is Manufacturing Month
From Blueprint to Boom. a flyer for the 50th anniversary with date of Aug. 24 and time of 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.
2 male students in polos and khakis stand holding a star while a women is next to 2 men in suits holding a certificate. other people are also flanking them in the photo.
A group of firefighters stand with a woman in a blue dress and a man in a suit. They are holding up a giant check made out for $3600 dollars.
A student stands in front of a cot and mannequin  in a blue shirt and black pants. it is a female student  with reddish blonde hair.
A female student in a black thsirt and jeans sits in a chair in the cosmetology lab.
A group of students and administrators pose for a photo with shovels in their hands.
A group of students in navy blue jackets stand in a group for a photo.
A group of male high school students  pose with a sign in front of a barn they built.
New Studets
A male student in a red hoodie sits in a chair that is attached to a flight simulator.
Students Take Part in Ohio Military Signing Day
Two students present to kids.
2 male students stand on either side of 3 women in army uniforms. The male students are wearing black hoodies and shirts.
Two men stand holding a plaque between them.
A female student stands against a wooden door holding up a blue, white and orange certificate.
A collage of 2 photos. One has 2 women in maroon scrubs with their hands on their hips and the other is a woman in maroon scrubs and a white jacket with her hands in her pockets.